Why the New Hampshire Primary Is so Important

Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders Holds NH Primary Night Event In Manchester
MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE - FEBRUARY 11: Members of the media are shown at Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders' New Hampshire primary night event on February 11, 2020 in Manchester, New Hampshire. New Hampshire voters cast their ballots in the first-in-the-nation presidential primary.

Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Soon after Hillary Clinton announced to the world "I'm running for president" in the 2016 election, her campaign made it clear what her next steps would be: She would travel to New Hampshire, where she won in 2008, to make her case directly to voters well ahead of the primaries there.

So what's the big deal about New Hampshire, a state that offers up only four Electoral College votes in the presidential election? Why does everyone pay so much attention to the Granite State?

Here are three reasons why the New Hampshire primaries are so important.

The New Hampshire Primaries Are First

Though the Iowa caucuses are the first votes to be cast in the presidential primary process, New Hampshire is the first true primary. The state protects its status as "first in the nation" by maintaining a law that allows New Hampshire's top elections official to move the date earlier if another state tries to preempt its primary. The parties, too, can punish states that try to move their primaries before New Hampshire's.

So, the state is a proving ground for campaigns. The winners capture some important early momentum in the race for their party's presidential nomination. They become instant frontrunners, in other words. The losers are forced to re-evaluate their campaigns.

New Hampshire Can Make or Break a Candidate

Candidates who don't do well in New Hampshire are forced to take a hard look at their campaigns.

As President John F. Kennedy famously said, "If they don't love you in March, April, and May, they won't love you in November." Some candidates quit after the New Hampshire primary, as President Lyndon Johnson did in 1968 after winning only a narrow victory against U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota. The sitting president came within just 230 votes of losing the New Hampshire primary in what Walter Cronkite called a "major setback."

For others, a win in the New Hampshire primary cements the path to the White House. In 1952, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower won after his friends got him on the ballot. Eisenhower went on to win the White House against Democrat Estes Kefauver that year.

The Media Watches New Hampshire

The first primary of the presidential election season used to allow the television networks a trial run at reporting results. The networks compete to be first to "call" the race.

In Martin Plissner's book "The Control Room: How Television Calls the Shots in Presidential Elections," the February 1964 New Hampshire primary was described as a media circus and, therefore, was the center of the political world's attention.

"Over a thousand correspondents, producers, technicians and support people of all kinds descended on New Hampshire, its voters and its merchants to confer the special franchise they have ever since enjoyed ... Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, New Hampshire was the first test in every cycle of the networks' speed in declaring winners of elections."

With the emergence of digital media and online news websites, there is now even more competition among outlets to call New Hampshire first.

View Article Sources
  1. Distribution of Electoral Votes.” National Archives, National Archives and Records Administration.

  2. New Hampshire: A Proven Primary Tradition.” New Hampshire Historical Society, New Hampshire Historical Society.

  3. Sorensen, Ted. Kennedy. Harper & Row, 1965, pp. 128.

  4. White, Theodore H. The Making of the President 1968. HarperCollins, 1969, pp. 89.

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Murse, Tom. "Why the New Hampshire Primary Is so Important." ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, thoughtco.com/why-the-new-hampshire-primary-is-important-3367520. Murse, Tom. (2021, February 16). Why the New Hampshire Primary Is so Important. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/why-the-new-hampshire-primary-is-important-3367520 Murse, Tom. "Why the New Hampshire Primary Is so Important." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/why-the-new-hampshire-primary-is-important-3367520 (accessed May 2, 2024).